Monday, January 31, 2011

Last weeks class

I felt there was a lot of distraction in the class that just started driving me crazy, the largest one being the machine gun cough. The class had some good discussion, but some of it was just not happening organically. Lykins was pulling teeth getting input from some people.

Hand Washing

I saw a guy not washing his hands in the IUPUI bathroom, figures.

Monday, January 24, 2011

egg project part 2

egg project made by self. Sculpted with one hand to not get the camera dirty. Done quickly too (so clay didn't dry).

egg project part one

Link to  classic egg scene

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Class on 1/10/11

I have been in at least in partial agreement with what was said in class, that being said I think a little of it was bs. A very fast almost free association line of questioning was sometimes pressed after a comment, which I liked, it was almost necessary to sift through the almost anything that can run out of the random conversation. Though I almost favor the rapid fire questioning in class it no doubt makes some others uncomfortable. It seemed like a good 80% of the class said little to nothing, this might change as the class rolls on and people get more comfortable.
         I understand the point and importance of 4'33, but I think that the demarkation it clearly made by the specificity of the pieces's length and further splitting the piece into three "movements" just pisses me off. I got it the first time, thanks. Here is a piece that had relevance, had genius, but how much ego stroking did people give Cage to get him to just ruin it by going over the top in slight ways. Much much worse than the original piece and concept is having a cover of the piece by someone other than the composer, especially a cover that has no audience (what I feel is a necessary component of the original) just pisses me off.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Class Expectations

It is hard to determine what to expect from class. From rolling chairs in the hall to leaving with an egg there are some crazy signals going into the class. I now mostly expect thought and discussion. Seems like class could be fun and interesting, three hours does suck all in one go though. I am rooting for the field trip to be a go at some point down the line.